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Our Cosmic Origin - Ismael Perez


LATEST - Interview #3 (9/23/22 - WOL channel)


(58 mins see Timestamps Below)

LATEST - Interview #3 (9/23/22 - WOL channel)


(33 mins)



A discussion of how the True history (as revealed by Lord Michael via The Winds of Truth) of the Arthurian Legends fit into Ismael Perez's historical research for his two books Our Cosmic Origin (2021) and The Secret Government (2007). Also discussed the Heavenly Hierarchy of the 12 (now 13) Solar Lords and their role as the Brotherhood of Light/Great White Brotherhood in history in the Great Battle of Dark and Light.


00:00 - Introduction, summary of prior interviews, King Arthur in Books 1 & 2, Solar Lords, etc.

05:00 - Ismael comments of Solar/Angelic Hierarchy

08:24 - Great White Brotherhood, Brotherhood of Light, Urantia material

 10:40 - Divine Masculine/Feminine pairs descended from the Cosmic Lords as Parents.

 11:30 -   Details on the 13th Cosmic Ray, Lord Gabriel and what is to come in New Earth. This revelation diverges from what it told in The Winds ofTruth.

  14:37 -  Melissa summarizes research for discussion to clarify some history

 21:30 - Ismael comments on Current Times and relation to the Brotherhood of Light, King Arthur, The White Knights throughout history all the way from Divinity

25:00 - Melissa summarizing Ch 19 in OCO for Ismael to comment - New Federated Regions

26:45 -  Ismael - Founding Fathers and the Millenium Project c.1300 New World

28:00. - Melissa King Arthur research - Winds of Truth - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword, use "Escaburre" justly, Fight the Good Fight        LightWarriors/TruthSeekers  

30:45 - Princess Diana's real lineage and the Windsor Imposters

32:00 - General Discussion Ismael/Melissa

42:30 - Ismael - OCO - New Edition being reprinted Oct '22

46:37 - The Council of 13 - New Earth roundtable featuring all currently embodied Solar Lords

48:30 - General Discussion Ismael/Melissa  

50:25 - Nex interview to focus on Chapters 18 & 19 OCO and TSG (Both of Ismael's Books) and the New World of Federated Regions/Council of 13 Round table Leadership (Solar Lords embodied)

51:16 -    Ismael's closing comments and warnings about Galactic Federation Imposters, General Discussion Ismael/Melissa

53:34 - Ismael's Class information. 

INTERVIEW #1 - General Discussion 

Conducted 7/5/22


After thoroughly reading Ismael's first edition of Our Cosmic Origin, I had many questions. I thought perhaps the book had been channeled and that was why some parts of it seemed incongruent, yet the train of thought was sharp and clearly this information was genuine.  Mary was also intrigued and had a tiny YouTube channel at the time. She asked me to reach out to Ismael and see if he would do an interview. To our surprise he answered graciously in the affirmative, and even came back for a second interview. I wrote the first interview outline based on the main concepts discussed in the book because it was too soon to ask specific questions, given the colossal breadth, depth and range of the information. I also conducted massive research into The Urantia Papers and Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon as I was assimilating the information from Ismael's book for the interview.


Ismael Perez shares info about his new book, explains the history of our Cosmic Involution/Evolution, our place in the Universe, Ascension, Angels and other important Divine Beings, Starseed Mission to Earth, etc.

Time Stamps and Chapters (see Transcript as well - hit the three dots)

00:00 - Introduction

01:00 - Ismael introduces himself as a Cosmic Ambassador

01:24 - 5:28 - Summary of Intent for this Interview:

1 - Explore Our Cosmic Origin, History, Organization and Angelic Divine Heritage;

2 - Explore what it will take to restore Planet Earth to her Divine Destiny;

3 - Encourage Starseeds/Angelics to Persevere, complete Ascension & Earth Rescue Mission

4 - Review Lords/Beings/Healing Rays of 12 Universes

5 - Galactic Beings, their influence on Earth History (Atlantis, Bible, King Arthur, Renaissance)

6 - Understand Importance of Earth in creation of New Jerusalem/ 13th Universe

7 - Outline/Highlight New Earth Nations and Councils [Round Table Structures]

05:28 - Ismael shares his feelings about the importance of Unity Consciousness

06:11 - Transformation of our bodies from carbon to Crystalline based and Ascension

07:20 - Earth is Grand Cosmic Library and Central World Headquarters of New 13th Universe 

08:10 - Seventh Golden Age - Prophesied in Ancient Test

08:57 - Baby Angels ask: How Does Angelic Realm fit into Ismael's Outline of Cosmology?

09:04 - Ismael outlines Denisites 5 - 12, Humanity's Return to God-Consciousness and that we

are all Angelic by nature, so we are the Angels.

11:38 - Ismael is asked to outline the Cosmic Layout of the Entire Universe and enumerate Earth's

Stargate address as dialed down from the Super-Universe Level

12:43 - Ismael explains the 5 Cosmic Orders: Gold, Silver, Emerald, Amethyst and Ruby.

16:18 - Ismael is asked to explain the 12 Universes, their meaning, Guardians and associated Color


26:01 - Ismael is asked to detail the organization of the New Federated Regions of the World

Government and the New Commonwealth of Nations outlined in Chapter Nineteen.

35:40 - Closing discussions

This interview outline is based on Main Concepts discussed in Ismael's book, because it was too soon to ask specific questions, given the colossal breadth, depth and range of the information.We managed to get a few questions formulated, and the Baby Angels also chimed in with a few questions. I also conducted massive research into The Urantia Papers and Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon prior to this interview as part of a massive initial activation triggered by this book. Highly recommend!



Conducted 7/17/22


This interview was purely based on the questions we had received from the YouTube viewers on Mary's channel Glimpsing Beyond. I compiled the questions to the best of my ability and grouped them together by topic to be asked quickly and succinctly. The topics were on the Solar Flash, 5D Living, Ascension Health, Twin Flames, Star Races, Dimension Levels and where we come from as Starseeds, Super Soldier Programs, etc. Unfortunately, one of the questions had to do with Ismael's opposing opinions to Ms. Elena Danaan, regarding Enki and Enlil, the sons of Nibiruan Annunaki God/Visitor Anu. Ismael's reaction was shocking, and was not foreseen. It unwittingly cast a negative shadow over this interview and I apologize for any uncomfortability anyone may have experienced. However, Ismael has his reasons for believing this situation. Even if I could edit it out, it doesn't matter, because people have copied it and uploaded it without my permission, and it is out there. I was it's creator. Each of us is responsible to discern all information.  So I am posting it here and the other video here. At least the quality is good. 


Ismael shares his opinions on many interesting topics, controversial information and fills us in on his personal life. See below for details.

Time Stamps and Chapters (see Transcript as well - hit the three dots)

00:00 - Introduction of Questions From Audience for This Interview

00:53 - Solar Flash

03:27 - Ascension/Health Preparation

06:00 - Our Families after the Solar Flash, Transition to New Earth and Beyond

08:00 - Aurora Earth (13-15D), Aramatena (former destroyed Aveyon Earth 10-12D);

Stargate of Amenti

09:31 - Super Abilities in Higher Dimensions

10:00 - Animals after the Solar Flash/Ascension of Humanity

12:30 - Timelines Split Positive v. Negative; Angelic/Organics v. AI/Cyborgs

13:50 - Solar Consciousness and Interface with Human Consciousness for Flash when?

14:02 - QFS/RV when?

15:53 - Baby Angels ask how do they fit into Ismael's view of Cosmological Order?

17:21 - Celestial Administration Structure/Round Table Councils of Light 12 going to 13.

19:35 - Baby Angels ask how long/how have Pleiadians been helping Humanity?

20:30 - Bloodlines: Angelic/Organic v. Draco/AI (Luciferian)

21:00 - Involution v. Evolution

22:05 - Competing Opinions re: Enki/Enlil

24:25 - Bloodlines History - Mormon Church has the Records [Locked in Rocky Mountains]

27:54 - New Edition of Our Cosmic Origin Book will have Major Corrections

29:22 - New Chapter in New Edition Linking Next Book

29:47 - Twin Flame Reunions When? Why Important?

33:19 - Importance of Meditation and Spiritual Guidance

34:52 - Ascended Master Quan Yin and Angelic Chinese Lineages

36:00 - Who Are the 144,000? What Role Do they Play in Ascension Assistance?

37:00 - Ascension Symptom Management

38:30 - Angelic Light Language and Galactic Activation

41:10 - Ismael shares about his personal life, wife's illness, family and his Mission to Earth as a Cosmic Ambassador.

NOTE ABOUT THE CONTROVERSY: This interview was purely based on the questions we had received from the YouTube viewers on Glimpsing Beyond. I compiled those questions to the best of my ability and grouped them together by topic to be asked quickly and succinctly. The topics were on the Solar Flash, 5D Living, Ascension Health, Twin Flames, Star Races, Dimension Levels and where we come from as Starseeds, Super Soldier Programs, etc. Unfortunately, one of the questions had to do with Ismael's opposing opinions to Ms. Danaan, regarding Enki and Enlil, the sons of Nibiruan, Annunaki God/Visitor Anu. Ismael's reaction was shocking, and was not foreseen. It unwittingly cast a negative shadow over this interview and I apologize for any uncomfortability anyone may have experienced. However, Ismael has his reasons for believing this situation. Even if I could edit it out, it doesn't matter, because people have copied it and uploaded it without my permission, and it is out there.I did take it and the other video down. I was the creator. Each of us is responsible to discern all information we experience. I am posting the videos again now on my own YouTube channel. At least the quality is good.



More Information on this website: 

  • Summary of creation and meanings of the 12 Sub-Universes of Orvonton, the Solar Planes and Deities (See tabs above under OC) and Winds of Truth)  
  • Summary of the Cosmic History from the Book/Course - The Battle Between the Forces of Darkness and Light (see Interview #3 above)
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